Insight To Help You Buy A House With Limited, Low, Or No Credit
The process to purchase a home involves searching for the right home but also gathering together money for a down payment and closing costs, and also getting your financing together. When you don't have good credit or no credit to begin with, it might make you hesitant to even try to buy a house. However, here are some tips to help you find and buy the right house for your budget and credit.
Work With a Lender
When you start the home search process, it is recommended to find a lender to work with so you can get your financing arranged. When you don't have any credit you can still buy a house, especially if you can provide proof that you pay all your obligations. Not having a credit card does not mean you cannot handle your finances, because you still pay for your utilities, cell phone bill, housing, and put money away for retirement into a retirement account or 401K.
In order to get a loan without credit, find a lender who has the experience to help you out. There are many lending programs available that cater to loan consumers that have no credit or a low credit score. With the right loan work and underwriting process, they can help you out to find a loan and interest rate that works for your budget.
You can even talk to your lender about getting a loan that has a low or no down payment requirement. For example, USDA and VA loans do not have a down payment requirement . And an FHA loan program is a great option with a down payment requirement of as little as three percent. Look for the right lender for your situation that has experience in working with no credit consumers, as not all lenders have the same knowledge and experience.
Look For a Seller Financed House
Another way to buy a house without credit is by looking for the right type of property and seller. A seller who lists their home for sale with the option to provide you seller financing, this means you won't have to get a bank loan to make the purchase. A seller financing home allows you to buy the home directly from the seller without a bank involved, so you would make your payments to the seller.
The seller benefits from this arrangement because they get interest on their loan to you and they are selling their house. They have protection in the purchase because they and you would both agree to and sign a mortgage loan, outlining the terms of the payments.
If you are looking to finance homes no credit, contact a realtor near you.